Star trek online doomsday machine
Star trek online doomsday machine

Nearly 3k hours in steam and about 2k in the old Crpytic client when cryptic points was a thing.

star trek online doomsday machine

if STO starts performing badly on revenue and popularity then they may pull the rights, id lose my investment but id gladly lose it to see a new company bring in a better designed game on a newer engine and have more emphasis on exploration and balanced PvP than the Spam fest we have now. Lets not forget CBS has not given the rights to cryptic, they are on lease as CBS wont give up their rights to ST. The storyline level requirements are stupid considering the huge block of XP they added from level 50 to 60. Reputation tree's are copy and paste bull that i dont even bother with unless i want a specific rep item, RnD is just another grind to keep your endgame going. I'm enjoying some aspects of the game, and seeing it in 4k does make it seem nicer but it needs an upgrade. Thats being said, as a Sucker who bought LTS and including that must of spent a total of £700 GBP (there abouts) i feel obligated to my wallet to play again (which ive just started doing) I havent paid a penny in the last 2 years and certainly will not ever again, ive paid my lifetimes worth and elarnt my lessons. That was my Issue i love trek and loved to PvP and when the PvP aspect died it kind of killed the game for me.

star trek online doomsday machine star trek online doomsday machine

PvP as i knew it and loved it where cruisers and escorts were both viable is gone. The power creep whilst was tollerable is now beyond control. I seen the end of the game i loved with LOR, but i kept on with it at the excitement of a romulan captain and faction, delta rising killed it for me.

Star trek online doomsday machine